Limestone Community High School
Deans' Office
Student Conduct
All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to receive maximum benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility.
The following attendance policy has been adopted by the Board of Education in an effort to keep students in school and in classes. Every opportunity will be given the student to avoid serious penalty. The parent/guardian may either call the school on the day of the student's absence or send a written note explaining the reason for the absence. If documentation for your student’s absence is available from a doctor, dentist, or judge, please send a copy of it to school with your student. Communication between parents and the school helps to avoid potential problems and unnecessary contact and calls from the school.
A. Excused school or class absences shall include personal or family illness, religious holidays, personal injury, doctor and dental appointments, death in the family, family vacations (maximum of 5 days), school-related activities, court or judicial proceedings (at the discretion of the Dean), college visits, post high school educational training visits, job interviews, and military examinations. All other reasons will be determined excused or unexcused by the Deans. (An attempt should be made to schedule doctor or dental appointments at times that do not conflict with school hours.)
1 The following excused absences should be prearranged (parental request): family vacations, religious holidays, court, or judicial proceedings (at the discretion of the Dean), college visits, post high school educational training visits, job interviews, and military examinations.
2 If the reasons for absence as listed above are not prearranged, they may become unexcused absences. The prearranged absence sheet that each student uses to obtain the teachers' signatures must be turned into the attendance office prior to the prearranged day or days.
3 Extended prearranged absences (five or more school days) should be obtained from a Dean and signed by teachers at least five (5) school days prior to the time of the absence(s).
4 Students absent three (3) or more consecutive days may be considered unexcused unless documentation is presented. When a student receives five (5) absences, excused or unexcused, a letter will be mailed home from the Dean of Students notifying parent and student of the absences and asking for documentation to be provided, if available. Furthermore, once a student accumulates ten (10) absences in a school year, he or she will be placed on the Documentation List. At this time, a second letter will be mailed from the Dean of Students explaining that any additional absences will only be excused if documented.
5 Students who have 15 unexcused absences for the school year will be placed on the Limestone Community High School Alternative Agreement and may be taken before the Board of Education for an expulsion hearing if the Alternative Agreement is violated.
6 Two college visits for juniors and seniors per year to be exempt upon presenting documentation on college letterhead from university personnel, i.e. Administrator, Academic Advisor, and/or coach.
B. Absences from school/class due to truancy or out-of-school suspension are unexcused. Students shall be allowed to make up daily class work, tests and term assessments. The grade for any work turned in late due to any unexcused absence will be lowered by 10%.
C. Credit for make-up work for excused and unexcused absences will be granted. The time given for makeup work is as follows:
1 One day will be given for each day of absence. All make-up work must be completed within one week after the end of the grading period. Special arrangements will be made for those students with extended illness. Students who receive an out-of-school suspension will receive one day for each day suspended to complete any work missed during the suspension period. Students suspended two or more days will be granted a maximum of two days upon their return to school to complete all work missed.
2 Students returning to school after an absence for any reason are responsible for assignments previously announced (i.e., tests, term papers, notebooks, etc.)
3 Students absent from school, for reason of illness, in excess of ten (10) school days should make arrangements for tutoring. Teachers will cooperate with the student and parent in cases of extended illness.
4 Prearranged absences -time allotted is one day for each day of absence. Make-up work may be handed in prior to the day(s) of absence.
Absence Reporting
A. A parent/guardian of an absent student is to call the attendance clerk on the day of absence prior to
10:00 AM stating the reason for the absence. Failure to do so may result in an unexcused absence or truancy.
B. If documentation for your student’s absence is available from a doctor, dentist, or judge, please send a copy of it to school with your student.
Five cumulative tardies -One (1) Detention Six cumulative tardies -Loss of early dismissal/late arrival privileges for the next
semester Ten cumulative tardies -Loss of pass privileges and Saturday detention Fifteen cumulative tardies -2 days Out-of-School Suspension For every 10 additional tardies -2 days of Out-of-School Suspension
First Truancy 1 Period Truant -One (1) Detention 2-3 Periods Truant -One (1) Saturday Detention 4-7 Periods Truant -Two (2) Saturday Detentions
Second and Each Additional Truancy -Two (2) Saturday Detentions Class Truancy (Absent for more than 5 minutes of the class but not the entire class period)
– One (1) Detention ***Please note #6 below under EARLY DISMISSAL PROGRAM
DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS FOR AWOL (not being where you are supposed to be)
First AWOL – Detention issued by classroom teacher Second and succeeding AWOL – One unit of Saturday detention
The Early Dismissal Program is a privilege given to junior and senior students who meet specific criteria for entrance into the program. The early dismissal privilege will be evaluated at the end of each semester for placement into the program the next semester. If the qualifications have not been met, students will be given the option to take a study hall or enroll in an additional class if enrollments will allow entry into the requested class. Each student will be given an early dismissal application that must be completed and signed by both the student and the student's parents/guardians. This application for early dismissal privileges may be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her assigned designee.
Criteria for the Early Dismissal Program are as follows:
1 Only junior and senior students will be allowed in the program.
2 The minimum credits necessary are: 1st semester juniors -12 credits 2nd semester juniors -15 credits 1st semester seniors -18 credits
3 Early dismissal students must have five or less days of absence and accumulated five or less tardies during the previous semester to be eligible.
4 Early dismissal students must leave the building by 2:05 PM. (Exception: students involved in after-school activities may go to an area where they are supervised by their sponsor, coach, etc.)
5 Any student suspended for disciplinary reasons during the past semester will not be eligible during the following semester for early dismissal privileges.
6 Any student having a truancy during the past semester will not be eligible for the following semester early dismissal privileges.
7 Second semester senior eligibility will be based on credits and administrative approval.
In order for a student to qualify for perfect attendance, he or she must not have missed any school as defined by the Illinois State Board of Education. A school business absence will not count against a student’s perfect attendance
If a student needs to leave school during the normal school hours, he/she must bring a note signed by a parent or guardian to the Deans' or Guidance Office before the beginning of the school day. The note must include the student’s name, the reason for the excuse, and the time he/she is to be dismissed. Any student who leaves school without a permit to leave may be considered truant and disciplined accordingly.
If a student needs to leave school during normal school hours in an emergency, he/she must contact the school nurse (medical emergency) or the Deans (non-medical emergency). A parent or guardian must be contacted and permission given before the student will be allowed to leave the building. Any student who leaves school without a permit to leave may be considered truant and disciplined accordingly.
Discipline is defined as acceptable behavior through self-control. It is the school's sincere wish that each student develops all the necessary characteristics needed to enable him/her to determine what is or is not appropriate behavior. This maturation process differs in time and degree with each individual student. Because of this phenomenon, society (including schools) is faced with dealing with many different attitudes and concerns. We feel that it is only through cooperation among all parties involved that problems can be solved.
SCHOOLS REFLECT THE SOCIETY IN WHICH THEY EXIST. The great emphasis on the rights of individuals rather than on the rights and resulting responsibilities has produced many unique and complex problems. Couple this with the increasing number of societal problems and school personnel become faced with an awesome responsibility to develop self-control in young people.
It is the responsibility of Limestone Community High School to assure that every student has the right to receive an education free of physical and/or psychological threats. Limestone Community High School will administer its disciplinary policies to ensure the physical and psychological safety of each student.
Education is a privilege extended to those who use it properly. Students attend school for the primary purpose of gaining usable knowledge and skills. They are expected to strive for achievement equal to their abilities. With the right to attend school come certain responsibilities that are met only through an understanding of the school's philosophy of behavioral expectations. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH STUDENT IN ATTENDANCE AT LIMESTONE COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL TO BE AWARE OF AND TO FOLLOW THE BOARD OF EDUCATION ADOPTED DISCIPLINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.
Illinois School Code, 105 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/24-24. Maintenance of Discipline states: Teachers and other certificated educational employees shall maintain discipline in the schools, including school grounds which are owned or leased by the Board and used for school purposes and activities. In all matters relating to the discipline in and conduct of the schools and the school children, they stand in the relation of parents and guardians to the pupils. This relationship shall extend to all activities connected with the school program and may be exercised at any time for the safety and supervision of the pupils in the absence of their parents or guardians. Reasonable force may be needed to maintain safety for students, staff, or other persons, or for the purpose of self-defense or defense of property.
Nothing in this Section affects the powers of the Board to establish rules with respect to discipline.
The Board may make and enforce reasonable rules of conduct and sportsmanship for athletic and cocurricular school events. Any person who violates such rules may be denied admission to school events for not more than one year, provided that written 10 days notice of the violation is given such person and a hearing had thereon by the Board pursuant to its rules and regulations. The administration of any school may file legal charges as agents of the school against persons committing any offense at school events.
I. Introduction
A. The following rules set forth the standards and procedures of the Board of Education of Limestone Community High School District #310 regarding the discipline, suspension, and expulsion of students.
B. The secretary of the Board of Education shall maintain a conveniently accessible copy of these rules in the office of the Board of Education and shall allow access to them by the public in accordance with The Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 Illinois Compiled Statues 140/1-11.
C. The Superintendent shall make these rules known to students and their parents by appropriate means.
D. References to "parent(s)" shall refer, where appropriate, to a student's legal guardian(s).
II. Application The following rules of conduct, unless specifically indicated otherwise, apply to any student of the district who is: (1) on school property at any time, (2) in transit on a school bus, or (3) engaged in or attending an activity publicly identified with Limestone Community High School by name, even if not on school property (i.e., "away" sports activities).
III. Due Process All students are afforded due process rights prior to any disciplinary action taken. These rights are afforded at each step of any disciplinary action such as: removal from class by a classroom teacher (one day only); informal hearings with the Dean or other school administrator; and formal hearings with the Board of Education.
IV. Student Misconduct, Possible Discipline, Discipline Drop for a Class
A. The following list of student offenses and possible disciplinary action is intended to place students, parents, teachers, and administrators on notice of what the Board of Education considers to be unacceptable student behavior and appropriate discipline. Although the Board has attempted to set forth with specificity a list of offenses and the range of discipline, the list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Therefore, to the extent that the student engages in conduct harmful to the district or fellow students that is not addressed on the following list, the administration (at its discretion) may impose appropriate discipline, including detentions and recommendations of class suspension, school suspension, and/or expulsion in accordance with the procedures contained herein.
B. A student may be withdrawn from a class due to continued classroom misconduct. A Discipline Drop will result by following the procedure outlined below.
Detention or Office Referral
Detention or Office Referral and the teacher will make a parental contact
Detention or Office referral and the Deans’ Office will make a parental contact
Detention or Office Referral and the student, parent, teacher, and appropriate dean will sign a contract stating that the student will be removed on the 5th offense
Detention or Office Referral, student will be withdrawn from the class with a WP or WF, no credit will be earned, the student will be assigned to a study hall
C. The administration (where appropriate) and the Board have the discretion to dispense any of the disciplines set forth in conjunction with the specified student offense, and are not required to engage in "progressive" discipline unless these rules specifically require that progressive discipline be followed.
Level I offenses involve minor misbehaviors which impede orderly classroom procedures or interfere with the orderly operation of the school. Such misbehaviors can usually be handled by an individual staff member but sometimes require the intervention of other school support personnel. These include but are not limited to such misbehaviors as:
1 first time misconduct of a minor nature at school or on bus
2 public displays of affection
3 inappropriate physical contact
4 failure to bring proper work and/or study materials to class
5 possession of electronic devices not having an educational purpose, including, but not limited to, cellular devices, MP3 players, CD players, electronic gaming devices, digital cameras, digital video recorders, etc.
6 dress code violations
7 AWOL/Class Truancy
8 food or drinks in academic lockers, hallways and classrooms
9 bringing outside food and drink (McDonalds, Subway, and Polar Pops) to school
There is immediate intervention by the staff member who is supervising the student or who observes the misbehavior. A proper and accurate record of the offense and disciplinary action is maintained by the staff member. Some behaviors can be referred to the Dean for appropriate action.
Level I Range of Consequence(s)
• Verbal reprimand
• Student/staff conference
• Withdrawal of privileges
• Counselor referral
• Parent contact
• Behavior contract
• Special assignment
• Room detention
• Detention
Level II involves misbehaviors whose frequency or seriousness tends to disrupt the learning climate of the school. Those infractions that result from the continuation of Level I misbehaviors require the intervention of personnel on the administrative level because the execution of Level I disciplinary options has failed to correct the situation. Included in this level are misbehaviors which do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others, but whose education consequences are serious enough to require corrective action on the part of administrative personnel. These include but are not limited to such misbehaviors as:
1 continuation of Level I acts of misconduct
2 failure to obey a reasonable request or direction of school personnel
3 leaving school grounds during school day without permission of school authorities
4 being in or around vehicles in parking lot without permission of school authorities
5 being in hall, rest room, or any off-limits area without authorization
6 cheating/plagiarism
7 use of profanity, obscene, or vulgar language/gestures
8 failure to report for student-teacher conference
9 first truancy
10 failure to report to detention hall
11 failure to report for room detention
12 failure to register automobile
1. five accumulated tardies
2. possession and/or use of a lighter or matches
3. defacing school property/property of others
4. computer misuse or abuse
The student is referred to the Dean for appropriate disciplinary action. The Dean meets with the student and/or teacher and affects the most appropriate response. The teacher and parent/guardian are informed of the Dean's action. The Dean maintains a proper and accurate record of the offense and disciplinary action.
Level II Range of Consequence(s)
• Student/staff conference
• Referral to counselor
• Withdrawal of privileges
• Parent contact
• Withdrawal of bus privileges
• Financial Restitution
• Detention
• Saturday detention
• Revocation of school parking permit for the remainder of the school year
Level III involves a continuation of Level II or failure of Level II disciplinary measures to correct the behavior and acts directed against persons or property but whose consequences do not seriously endanger the health and safety of others in the school. Although some Level III acts of misconduct might be considered criminal, they can usually be handled by the disciplinary mechanism in the school. Corrective measures that the school should undertake, however, depend on the extent of the school's resources for remediating the situation in the best interest of all students. These include but are not limited to such misbehaviors as:
1. continuation of Level II acts of misconduct
2. insubordination directed to school personnel
3. use of ethnic slur
4. use of profanity or vulgar language toward fellow students
5. active participation in a verbal, pushing, or shoving incident
6. damaging school property/property of others
7. possession and/or use of any type of tobacco product in school or on school grounds
8. theft (under $300.00)
9. forgery (non-criminal violations)
10. gambling
11. 5th and succeeding detentions
12. failure to attend Saturday detention
13. harassment or sexual harassment
14. accumulation of five (5) Saturday detentions per semester
15. medication not with nurse
16. suspension violation
17. bullying/intimidation
18. refusal to identify self correctly or present identification (ID) card
19. instigating
20. accumulation of 10 tardies
The Dean initiates disciplinary action by investigating the infraction and conferring with the staff on the extent of the consequences. The Dean meets with the student and confers with the parents about the student’s misconduct and the resulting disciplinary action. A proper and accurate record of the offenses and disciplinary actions is maintained by the Dean.
Level III Range of Consequence(s)
• Student/staff conference
• Temporary removal from class
• Parental conference in person
• Financial restitution
• Permanent removal from class
• Saturday detention
• Out-of-school suspension
• Juvenile referral
• Police Referral
Level IV acts involve actions which result in violence to another person or property or which pose a direct threat to the safety of others in the school. These acts of gross misconduct are so serious that they always require administrative actions, which result in the immediate removal of the student from the school, the probable intervention of law enforcement authorities, and possible action by the Board of Education. These include but are not limited to such misbehaviors as:
1. continuation of some Level III acts of misconduct
2. acts of physical violence including battery/fighting (active participation)
3. profanity directed toward a staff member or in response to a staff member
4. possession of object, which could be used to cause bodily harm.
5. setting off fire alarm
6. major theft (over $300.00)
7. malicious mischief/criminal damage to property
8. extortion
9. unlawful assembly
10. possession and/or sale of stolen property
11. burglary/breaking and entering locked rooms, lockers, desks, cabinets, etc.
12. street gang/secret society activity, paraphernalia, insignia, etc.
13. any other acts which are violations of the Illinois Revised Statutes
14. threatening or harassment of an employee
15. threats of violence
16. use of ethnic/racial slur or any other insignias that attempt to insight fellow students
17. use of ethnic/racial slur or any other insignias that attempt to insight school personnel
18. endangerment to school environment
19. gross insubordination/disobedience
20. accumulation of ten (10) days of out-of-school suspension per year
21. use of profanity or vulgar language toward school personnel
22. contract/alternative probation violation
23. accumulation of 15 tardies/and each additional 10 tardies thereafter
24. 11th and succeeding unit of Saturday Detention
The Dean verifies the offense, confers with the staff involved, and meets with the student. The student is immediately removed from the school environment. Parents are notified. School officials may contact law enforcement officials to assist in prosecuting the offender. A complete and accurate report is submitted to the Superintendent for his consideration and possible recommendation to the Board of Education.
Level IV Range of Consequences
Student/staff conference
Parental conference in person
Appropriate placement
Out‐of‐school suspension
Juvenile referral
Police referral
Recommendation for expulsion
Probationary agreement
Removal from class
Financial restitution
Counselor/Social Worker referral LEVEL V
Level V acts involve those acts that are a direct threat to the health and well being of others or to the individual student. These acts always require administrative actions, which result in immediate removal from school and an administrative recommendation of expulsion to the Board of Education. In addition, appropriate criminal charges may be filed. These include but are not limited to such misbehaviors as:
1. possession of a weapon
2. possession of an incendiary device or substance
3. gross misconduct involving violence
4. bomb threat
5. arson/setting fires
6. use, evidence of use, or being under the influence of intoxicating substances
7. possession of intoxicating substances
8. use, evidence of use, or being under the influence of cannabis or a controlled substance as defined in the Illinois Revised Statutes, except where use is authorized by the student medication policy of the Board
9. possession of cannabis or a controlled substance as defined in the Illinois Revised Statutes, except where possession is authorized by the student medication policy of the Board
10. to knowingly deliver or possess with intent to deliver any substance that is or is represented to be cannabis or a controlled substance
11. the possession or use of any device or item which has no reasonable discernible use other than in connection with the use of cannabis or a controlled substance including but not limited to roach clips, stones, hashish pipes, syringes, or hypodermic needles
12. extreme verbal abuse to an employee
13. battery of an employee
14. Use, evidence of use or being u;nder the influence of synthetic cathinones or synthetic cannabinoids, including but not limited to bath salts, K2, K3, Blue Dragon, or spice.
15. Possession of synthetic cathinones or synthetic cannabinoids, including but not limited to bath salts, K2, K3, Blue Dragon, or spice.
16. Possession or use of any device or item which has no reasonable discernible use other than in connection with the use of synthetic cathinones or synthetic cannabinoids, including but not limited to roach clips, stones, pipes, syringes or hypodermic needles.
The Dean initiates disciplinary action by investigating the infraction. The Dean meets with the student and requests a parent conference discussing the student's misconduct resulting in immediate suspension and a resulting disciplinary hearing with the Board of Education.
Level V Range of Consequence(s)
Parental conference Out‐of‐school suspension Recommendation of expulsion from school Referral to law enforcement officials
The use of alcohol, or non-medical use of other drugs, constitutes a potential hazard to the physical, emotional, and psychological development and also the educational progress of students. It has been the intent and responsibility of the administration and teachers of Limestone Community High School to develop programs and procedures which:
1 provide assistance and support to those students who request assistance in addressing a problem with alcohol or other substances.
2 provide accurate, factual information to students so they can make intelligent, mature decisions regarding the use of alcohol and other substances, and which may help prevent them from becoming users of alcohol and other substances.
3 assist in the overall community effort to reduce illegal drug traffic.
To achieve these goals, Limestone Community High School shall:
1. provide an educational program that will make students aware of the physical, emotional, and psychological dangers involved with the use of alcohol and other drugs. The program shall provide students with objective information that will help them make intelligent decisions regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs. Such information shall include a focus on abstinence from the use of alcohol or other drugs.
2. establish and maintain an on-going in-service education program for our entire teaching staff and also establish and maintain a program of information for the parents to:
a. enhance their understanding of the problems associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents.
b. enhance their ability to recognize signs and symptoms of alcohol or other drug use by adolescents.
c. teach them the skills necessary to intervene on behalf of an adolescent who is experiencing problems related to his/her use of alcohol or other substances.
d. inform them about substance abuse treatment and intervention services available at area hospitals, agencies, and support groups that provide support to family and friends as well as to an adolescent addicted to alcohol and other substances.
3. cooperate with all law enforcement agencies by reporting any information that would assist in the apprehension of alcohol or drug traffickers.
4. establish prevention and intervention procedures that help Limestone Community High School reduce the use, distribution, and sale of alcohol or other drugs on school property and at school-sponsored events and activities.
5. inform all students that the use, possession, transfer, or sale of alcohol or other drugs on school property or at school-sponsored events and activities is prohibited by District 310 Board of Education Policy as well as by law, and that violation of this policy will result in immediate suspension and a recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion from school for the remainder of the school term.
The Board of Education has adopted the student probation policy for the student who continues to violate school rules, is repeatedly suspended from school, or is a chronic truant from school/classes.
The student, along with the parent, is asked to sign an agreement whereby the student agrees not to violate any of the disciplinary procedures listed on the agreement for a specific period of time, usually for the remainder of the semester or for the school term. If the student violates the term(s) of the agreement, the student is then scheduled to appear at a discipline hearing conducted by members of the Board of Education to determine whether the student remains in school or is expelled from school for a specific period of time.
The probation agreement is a final effort to keep students in school. It is our intent to provide the student with an alternative to expulsion.
Limestone Community High School defines bullying as act or acts of intentionally cruel incidente, involving the same students in the same bully and victim roles, whether transmitted in person or electronically from home or school. The intention of bullying is to put the victim in distress in some way. Bullies seek power in a variety of ways:
• Physical Bullying: Hitting, poking, pinching, or damaging someone else’s things are all examples of physical bullying. Hurting someone physically likely results in suspension.
• Verbal Bullying: Teasing, name-calling, spreading rumors, insulting, threats and other verbal attacks are all examples of verbal bullying.
• Social Bullying: Excluding or teasing others who are different from or unliked by you and your friends is social bullying.
• Cyber Bullying: Using the internet or electronic devices to engage in verbal or social bullying is known as cyber bullying. Spreading rumors on social media sites or sending hurtful text messages are two commom examples of cyber bullying.
All students, teachers and staff should contact a dean, social worker or school resource officer upon hearing or learning of any acts of bullying.
First Offense:
Both parties will be given their due process in the Deans’ Office to determine the nature and extent of the bullying, and parents will be contacted. Should the bullying involve other school violations, such as pushing or hitting, those consequences will be enforced. Possible disciplinary responses are:
• Conference with parent and student
• Mediation
• Detention
• Saturday detention
• Suspension
• Referral to law enforcement officials
Second and Subsequent Offenses:
As acts of bullying continue and/or become more cruel, disciplinary responses will become more severe in conjunction with our Codes of Conduct, Levels 1 through 5.
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM POLICY (This policy covers all curriculums within the school) RATIONALE: This policy is written to communicate to students and parents that cheating and plagiarism are not acceptable at Limestone Community High School. POLICY: All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of personal honesty in their work. Work that is presented for credit in all classes must be original. CHEATING: Cheating is defined as using dishonest methods to gain an advantage. This includes utilizing any kind of secretive means of gaining information for use on quizzes, tests or homework. PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is defined as stealing and passing off the ideas and words of another as one’s own, using a created production without crediting the source, or committing literary theft. For example, turning in a paper retrieved from any Internet source (either free or for a fee) or including information from an encyclopedia, book, textbook, web site, database, etc. without citation is plagiarism. A paper is considered plagiarized if any part of it is taken from another source without proper attribution (citations). VIOLATIONS: Violations of academic honesty will be divided into two levels. These levels are determined by the importance of the assignment and premeditation of the student.
Level I
Classroom teachers will deal with Level I violations. Students who are caught cheating or copying will receive a zero on the suspect assignment/test. Level I violations include:
• Copying homework
• Looking on another’s test or quiz
• Letting another student look on a test or quiz
• Using other secretive methods of giving answers on a test or quiz
• Taking information from another source that is not properly attributed
• Working with others on an assignment that was meant to be done by individuals (Students should consider all work individual unless the teacher specifies it differently.)
A second Level I violation will be considered a Level II violation and will be dealt with accordingly.
Level II
Level II violations are considered severe and will be dealt with by the teacher, the Division Head and/or Deans’ Office. Administrative documentation will follow these violations. Level II violations include:
• Taking papers from the Internet, other publications, or other students.
• Translating a foreign language piece by a translator.
• Taking any part of a test to use or to give to others. These violations can be considered theft; therefore, any student who is guilty of any of the above will receive a zero on the suspect assignment and will be penalized an additional equivalent number of points from his or her semester grade. (Example: a 100-point assignment will equate to a 200-point deduction from the semester grade). Students found guilty of these violations will be ineligible for National Honor Society for their next eligible year.
If plagiarism occurs, the student must still meet the minimum requirement of the course by rewriting the assignment according to teacher specifications. The points on this assignment will be added to the student’s score. (A student who receives 65 out of 100 on the paper will then have a 35 for the assignment). Failure to rewrite will result in an “F” for the course. A second offense of plagiarism will automatically result in an “F” for the course and the student is ineligible for National Honor Society.
Students in any protest situation will be informed they are violating school policy, and they will be given five minutes to reconsider and return to class. Those who fail to return to class will be asked to identify themselves as students through their identification (ID) cards or other means, to sign a protest sheet in the Deans' office, and to return to class. Those who fail to prove they are bona fide students with a right to be heard will be treated as trespassers and the police will be called. Anyone not in his proper assigned class within fifteen minutes will be suspended and subject to expulsion and arrest for criminal trespassing and creating a public disturbance.
Detention is the policy of keeping a student for one hour before or after school to deter various acts of misconduct. Detention hall is scheduled Wednesday and Thursday after school from 2:50 to 3:50 PM. A bus is provided after school. Friday morning detention runs from 6:40 to 7:40 AM. No transportation is provided. Detention Rules:
• No talking
• No use of electronic devices (including, but not limited to, MP3 players/iPods, cell phones, laptops or other computing devices, and held held games)
• No sleeping
• Students may read or work on class assigned activities.
• Students are to be in their seats by the time the bell rings and remain there until the end of the detention period.
• Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in further disciplinary action.
Some regulations regarding personal appearance are vital to the students. Students may not wear clothing or hairstyles that can be hazardous to them or to others in school activities such as industrial arts, physical development, lab work, food preparation, etc.
Clothing which prevents a student from doing his/her best work because of blocked vision or restricted movement will not be allowed. Unusual clothing styles which tend to disrupt, distract, or diminish the disciplinary control of the teacher is not permitted. Such styles include but are not limited to:
1. bizarre, outlandish, or inappropriate clothing or footwear including but not limited to bedroom slippers
2. hats, caps, scarves, handkerchiefs, or hair coverings of any type, outer jackets, coats, gloves, spikes, or chains
3. clothing which displays inappropriate words or pictures such as sexual, vulgar, drug/alcohol, tobacco or tobacco product insinuations
4. clothing which fails to meet standards of modesty and decency include, but are not limited to:
A. students must wear clothing that covers them from shoulder to thigh;
B. tops with spaghetti straps or similarly thin straps, bare backs, razor backs, halter tops, and low-cut tops are not permitted and all tank top straps must be the width of the short side of the student I.D.
C. undergarments must be covered at all times
D. no short skirts, short dresses, or short shorts will be permitted.
5. failing to wear some type of footwear at all times
6. clothing styles indicating gang or secret society affiliation
7. clothing that shows disrespect to any racial or ethnic group or promotes any racial or ethnic group at the expense of others
8. Athletic equipment issued to a student athlete or cheerleading equipment issued to a cheerleader may not be worn in or out of school except at direction and approval of the athletic director.
All electronic devices must be turned off upon arrival and stored in student lockers for the remainder of the school day. Use/possession of any electronic device including cellular telephones, MP3 players, gaming devices, digital cameras, and digital recording devices by students while school is in session will result in the item being confiscated and the student appearing at a due process hearing with a Dean of Students. Parents or guardians may be required to pick up the device in the Deans’ Office. Electronic/digital devices used for classroom instruction may only be used at the discretion of the classroom teacher. The consequences for the possession of electronic devices not used for school purposes are as follows:
Warning – confiscated
Regular Detention, confiscated
Saturday detention, confiscated
If it is determined that the devices were being used in any unlawful activity, the student will be taken before the Board of Education for a discipline hearing and law enforcement officials will be contacted.
Students are to enter the building ONLY through the front doors (circle drive doors) or through the student parking lot entrance (cafetorium doors). All other doors in the building are to be secured. Students not entering through the two specified student entrance doors will be subject to disciplinary action.
Equal educational opportunities shall be available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious beliefs, physical and mental handicap or disability, or economic and social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status.
Any student who violates this school policy by making derogatory comments or gestures, or who distributes and/or displays offensive material/publications and clothing for the purpose of disrespecting a person’s gender, sexuality, race, and/or religious affiliation, will be required to participate in a mediation session with the LCHS social worker or prevention coordinator and/or be subject to the appropriate disciplinary actions.
Fighting/battery will not be tolerated at any time. Students who participate in fighting/battery will be suspended immediately for 5 to 10 school days. Law Enforcement Officials will be contacted and village ordinance tickets and/or criminal charges may apply. Upon return to school, students are required to participate in a mediation session; failure to do so could result in further discipline. Any student involved in a second fight/battery will be immediately suspended and will be taken before the Board of Education for an expulsion hearing.
No food or drink items are allowed in locker areas or in academic hallways. If students bring food or drinks into school, they are to be consumed in either the snack bar or the cafeteria before going to lockers or reporting to classrooms. Students violating this procedure will be subject to Level I Discipline Policies.
Guns, either loaded or unloaded, have no place in the school or in the possession of school-aged children. They present a clear and serious danger to everyone within the school setting. Students who are aware of any student in possession of a gun within the building, on school buses, or on school grounds are to notify a staff member immediately. Failure to do so could lead to disciplinary action.
Any individual bringing a gun on to school grounds will be committing a felony and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If that individual is a student, that student will be immediately suspended from school, the appropriate police department will be contacted and charges will be filed. A disciplinary hearing before the Board of Education will be scheduled. AT THAT HEARING, THE ADMINISTRATION WILL RECOMMEND THE EXPULSION OF THE STUDENT FOR UP TO TWO CALENDAR YEARS.
Students should walk on the right side of the halls when passing to and from classes. Running is not permitted at any time, and hallways should be kept open at all times. Students are not to loiter in the hallways. Students will refrain from excessive and unnecessary noise in the hallway.
In all cases, it shall be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school nurse of all physical or health problems relating to their student(s).
1. Parents are urged to schedule medication for their students during non-school hours when possible.
2. When students are required to take prescribed medication for less than ten (10) consecutive school days, a note from the parent/guardian will be accepted. (The note from the parent/guardian shall outline in detail the name of the drug, dosage, time interval in which the medication is to be taken, necessity for the medication during the day, type of disease or illness involved, and the benefits received from taking said medication. Known side effects from taking said medication must be listed along with an emergency telephone number where the prescribing physician can be reached in case emergency treatment is required during the school day.)
3. Students who are required to take a prescribed medication for more than ten (10) consecutive school days must furnish the school with a written order from the prescribing physician, with said note stating all information outlined in #2 above.
4. All prescribed medicine is to be brought to the school nurse in the original prescription bottle or over-the-counter bottle properly labeled. School authorities reserve the right to refuse the issuance of a medication permit if the above conditions are not met.
5. School authorities will supervise the student when the self-administering of the medication is done. School authorities will be notified in writing from the parent/guardian when medication may cause serious side effects or, in special cases, when only a registered nurse can administer the medication. The written request must include all information as required in #2 above.
6. Both the parent's letter and the physician's medication orders must be placed in the pupil's temporary (medical) folder.
7. The doctor's written statement on the known side effects of the medication shall be placed in the student's medical folder. The initial dose of medication at school will be self-administered under the supervision of the school nurse. If subsequent medication is necessary, in the absence of the school nurse, another certified school employee shall check the student's medical folder for instructions/information on possible side effects of the medication prior to permitting the student to self-administer the medication.
8. A locked cabinet will be provided for storing the medication under the supervision of the school nurse. Opportunities should be provided for communication with the pupil, parent, and physician regarding the desired effects of the medication administered during school hours.
9. The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medication, subject to the requirements of the federal education of the handicapped.
10. Students are allowed to self-administer asthma medication at school including the use of an epinephrine auto-injector for students at risk of anaphylaxis. Parents/guardians must provide the school nurse with written authorization for the student’s use of the epinephrine auto-injector. The parent/guardian must also provide a written statement from the student’s physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse, indicating the name and purpose of the epinephrine auto-injector, the prescribed dosage and the times or special circumstances under which the epinephrine auto-injector is to be administered. Permission for the use of an epinephrine auto-injector is effective for the school year in which it is granted and must be renewed each subsequent school year by meeting the above requirements. The school district and its employees and agents are to incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of injury arising from the use of an epinephrine auto-injector by the student.
This suspension is the exclusion of the student from the school setting, including cocurricular activities, from one to ten days. This action is taken only after other measures have been tried or in the case of serious offenses. Accumulation of ten or more days of OSS will result in the student being placed on LCHS Alternative Probation and/or being taken before the LCHS Board of Education for an expulsion hearing.
Physical contact between students such as horseplay, pushing, wrestling, throwing snowballs, etc., shall not be condoned. Excessive displays of affection are considered improper behavior in the halls or on school grounds and are disruptive to the school's educational atmosphere. Language, gestures, and actions that are considered to be improper will not be allowed in the building on campus.
Limestone Community High School and our local police authorities, the Bartonville Police Department and the Peoria County Sheriff’s Department, have a reciprocal reporting procedure in place to keep all agencies aware of student misconduct.
Saturday detention is designed for misconduct that warrants more than a regular detention but is not serious enough to be issued an out-of-school suspension. STUDENTS WILL BE GIVEN A CHOICE OF TWO CONSECUTIVE SATURDAYS TO SERVE THEIR DETENTIONS. FIVE SATURDAY DETENTIONS ARE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED PER STUDENT PER SEMESTER.
Saturday detention requires that the students be in the cafeteria from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM on the Saturday of their assigned detention. Students arriving late will not be allowed to enter. Failure to attend Saturday detention BY THE LAST ASSIGNED DATE is an automatic out-of-school suspension. Each Saturday detention is two (2) hours long. It is the student’s responsibility to bring appropriate study material. The school will provide NO transportation to or from Saturday detention. If a student is removed from Saturday detention for disciplinary reasons, the student will be placed in out-of-school suspension as assigned after a conference with the Deans IF HE/SHE HAS EXHAUSTED HIS/HER TWO DATES TO SERVE THE SATURDAY DETENTION. Only the Deans may issue a Saturday detention. At the time of the assignment, the Dean will determine the number of Saturday detentions that the student will receive for his/her act of misconduct.
Saturday detention rules:
• No talking
• No use of electronic devices (including, but not limited to, MP3 players/iPods, cell phones, laptops or other computing devices, and held held games)
• No sleeping
• Students may read or work on class assigned activities.
• Students are to be in their seats by the time detention begins and remain there until the end of the detention period.
• Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in further disciplinary action.
To maintain order and security in schools, school authorities may inspect and search places and areas such as lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and equipment owned or controlled by the school, as well as personal effects left in those places and areas by students, without notice to or the consent of the students, and without a search warrant. As a matter of public policy, the General Assembly finds that students have no reasonable expectation of privacy in these places and areas or in their personal effects left in these places and areas. School authorities may request the assistance of law enforcement officials for the purpose of conducting inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and equipment owned or controlled by the school for illegal drugs, weapons, or other illegal or dangerous substances or materials, including searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs. If a search conducted in accordance with this Section produces evidence that the student has violated or is violating the law, local ordinance, or the school’s policies or rules, such evidence may be seized by school authorities, and disciplinary action may be taken. School authorities may also turn over such evidence to law enforcement authorities. The provisions of this subsection apply in all school districts, including special charter districts and districts organized under Article 34. (House Bill 2596 -P.A. 89-610, Section 10-22.6).
All lockers are property of Limestone Community High School and as such may be searched upon reasonable cause. Students should not have the expectation of privacy with regard to any Limestone Community High School locker. School authorities, when having reasonable cause to believe a student is in possession of:
a. school property
b. property of another person
c. a weapon
d. any item which violates school rules
e. cannabis
f. controlled substance (as defined in the Illinois Revised Statutes)
g. or any substance represented to be cannabis or a controlled substance shall exercise their responsibility, granted by the Limestone Community High School Board of Education, in conducting a search. These searches may be conducted with the assistance of law enforcement officials using specially trained dogs.
Automobile Search Procedure
a. The Dean, School Resource Officer, or other Administrative person, and a third party are to be present at the search.
b. The Dean shall set down in writing all factual information supporting the decision to search.
c. Attempt to secure permission from student to search automobile. (However, as a reasonable cause has been determined, a search may proceed without student's permission.)
d. An inventory of all items found in the automobile is to be recorded and signed by a witness. A receipt of that inventory will be given to and signed by the student.
Locker Search Procedure
a. The Dean, School Resource Officer, or other Administrative person, and a third party are to be present at the search.
b. The Dean shall set down in writing all factual information supporting the decision to search.
c. Attempt to secure permission from student to search locker. (However, as a reasonable cause has been determined, a search may proceed without student's permission.)
d. An inventory of all items found in the locker is to be recorded and signed by a witness. A receipt of that inventory will be given to and signed by the student.
Personal Search Procedure
a. The Dean, School Resource Officer, or other Administrative person, and a third party of the same sex as the student are to be present at the search.
b. The Dean shall set down in writing all factual information supporting the decision to search.
c. Attempt to secure permission from student. (However, as reasonable cause has been determined, a search may proceed without student's permission.)
d. Ask person to empty all pockets, purse, billfold, and/or any other items that may contain personal property. This step may also include a non-intrusive pat down of pockets and a search of shoes and socks.
e. An inventory of all illegal items found in the search is to be recorded and signed by a witness. A receipt will be given to and signed by the student.
Only the Police will handle any search requiring greater intrusion. *ALSO SEE LOCKERS AND VEHICLE PARKING
Seizure Procedure
Any item which is found during a search that is believed to be violating either criminal law or school rules will be tagged with the student's name, names of those conducting the search, and a copy of the receipt of contents from the search. The item will then be secured in a locked area until released to proper authorities.
Limestone Community High School will strive to provide an environment free from all forms of sexual harassment. Any reports of sexual harassment will be investigated and dealt with appropriately. Cases of harassment should be reported to the Deans or Counselors.
The involvement of students in street gangs and/or secret societies and their activities is considered by the Board to be a matter of extreme concern. For the purposes of this Section, street gangs or secret societies are defined as any organization, composed wholly or in part of school district students, which seeks to perpetuate itself by taking in additional members from individuals enrolled in the school district for the purpose of fulfilling aims unrelated to the School district's education process, and which has the effect, or the potential for, disrupting that process. The Board, in its discretion and based upon its investigation and evaluation of the facts and circumstances of each case, may impose appropriate discipline, including suspension and/or expulsion, based upon any one of the following student offenses: (1) becoming a member of or joining or promising to join, or pledging to become a member of, or soliciting any other individual to join, promise to join or pledge to become a member of any street gang or secret society; (2) soliciting any individual enrolled in the school district to attend a meeting where the joining of a street gang or secret society is encouraged; (3) wearing street gang or secret society insignia, including tattoos or "flashing" gang or secret society signs; (4) drawing street gang or secret society symbols; or (5) distributing street gang or secret society literature.
A student who uses, possesses, controls, or transfers a weapon, or any object that can reasonably be considered, or looks like, a weapon, shall be expelled for at least one calendar year, but no more than two calendar years. The Superintendent may modify the expulsion period and the Board may modify the Superintendent’s determination, on a case-by-case basis. A “weapon” means possession, use, control, or transfer of (1) any gun, rifle, shotgun, a weapon as defined by Section 921 of Title 18, United States Code, firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owner’s Identification Act, or use of a weapon as defined in Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code, (2) any other object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm, including but not limited to, knives, brass knuckles, billy clubs, or (3) “look-alikes” of any weapon as defined above. Any item, such as a baseball bat, pipe, bottle, lock, stick, pencil, and pen, is considered to be a weapon if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm. The Superintendent or designee may grant an exception to this policy, upon the prior request of an adult supervisor, for students in theatre, cooking, ROTC, martial arts, and similar programs, whether or not school-sponsored, provided the item is not equipped, nor intended, to do bodily harm.
Unacceptable behavior on a school bus is clearly defined by the State of Illinois. Such behavior is distracting to the bus driver and a definite threat to the life and well being of all students who ride school buses.
ALL STUDENTS MUST SHOW THEIR I.D. CARDS BEFORE BEING PERMITTED TO RIDE THE BUS TO AND FROM SCHOOL DAILY. All students riding the bus must obtain a bus sticker from the Business Office. This sticker is displayed on the students’ I.D. cards. Students must identify themselves with picture I.D. cards upon request. Refusal to do so could result in bus suspension.
A. Students who ride the school buses are, while in transit, under the authority of the school bus driver or a designated adult supervisor and are required to consider the driver or supervisor as school personnel.
B. The driver or supervisor has the right to assign the students to particular seats.
C. Students waiting at bus stops in the morning and after getting off buses in the afternoon are subject to all school rules.
D. In addition to the student offenses listed under Student Misconduct, the Board adopted the following rules for students who ride school buses:
1. Students must be at the designated school bus stop at the designated time. Students who miss the bus and do not report to school or who are tardy will be given an unexcused admit.
2. Students may not stand in the street while waiting for the bus. Students must wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding. Boarding and exiting must be orderly, with no yelling, pushing, or shoving.
3. Students are to sit quietly and are not to create any type of disturbance while riding on the bus.
4. Students must keep their hands and heads inside the bus at all times.
5. Windows are to remain closed while traveling through a town or city while on school-sponsored charter trips. Students may not throw anything out of the windows at any time.
6. Eating, drinking, and littering on the bus are not allowed.
7. Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop for loading or unloading.
8. Students may not place books, lunches, or any other objects in the aisles.
9. Students are to remain quiet when the bus is approaching all railroad crossings.
10. When a student must cross a roadway after unloading, the student shall proceed at least 10 feet in front of the bus and remain on the right shoulder until the bus driver signals the student to cross.
11. Students should not ask the bus driver to stop at unauthorized stopping points.
12. Students who enter the bus in the morning will not be permitted to unload from the bus except at the high school unloading area.
13. Students must always ride their assigned bus unless special permission to ride a different bus is given by the Assistant Superintendent. If the request is granted, a written pass will be issued which the student must present to the appropriate bus driver. A request to ride a different bus must be accompanied by a written note from a parent and will be honored where sufficient reason is demonstrated and there is space available.
14. Students may not use the emergency door unless instructed to do so by the driver or supervisor or unless an emergency exists.
E. Students who violate any of the rules contained in Paragraph D or engage in any misconduct listed under Student Misconduct Discipline Policy and Procedures will be warned by the bus driver or supervisor. In addition, the driver or supervisor may, at his or her discretion, report the student's conduct to the Dean for other additional action.
F. When student misconduct on a school bus is reported to the Dean, the Dean shall have the authority to impose appropriate discipline. If the student misbehavior is conduct listed under Student Misconduct, Level II, III, or IV of the Discipline Policy and Procedures, the Dean shall impose discipline within the appropriate range of penalties listed in Student Misconduct. If the student conduct violates any of the rules contained in Paragraph D of Rules Regarding School Bus Transportation, the Dean may impose appropriate discipline, including detention, suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.
G. In addition to the discipline set forth in Paragraph E, the Dean may suspend a student from his/her transportation privileges up to 10 school days for a specific rule violation. The Board may also suspend a student from bus transportation privileges for the remainder of the school semester; however, a semester suspension will occur only after a hearing is conducted in accordance with the Illinois School Code.